At Houghton Conquest Lower School the principle intent of RE is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by studying religion and worldviews, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.
Our school RE curriculum is based on the LA Agreed Syllabus for Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire, 2024-2029, which encourages children to respect the religious, spiritual and moral values of others and to consider thoughtfully their own values and beliefs through provoking challenging questions. The curriculum is taught from preschool to Year 4 and is inclusive for all children. Lessons are planned carefully to ensure all children are able to access learning and adaptations are made for children with SEND. The teaching of Religious Education in our school equips our pupils with systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and non-religious worldviews. Although based mainly on Christian beliefs, other world religions, including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism as well as non-religious worldviews are also studied so children develop a greater understanding of other cultures and global diversity.
Children reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. We help the children learn from religions as well as about religions.
Our school’s principle aims for RE are:
Making sense of beliefs and ideas
Understanding the impact of beliefs and ideas
Making connections
The monitoring and evaluation of RE will include observations of teaching and learning, planning, book scrutiny and pupil voice.
Progression of Skills RE
RE Whole School Programme of Study
RE Syllabus