
PSHE and RSE in our school aims to explore the knowledge and understanding children need to stay safe, be happy and healthy and fulfil their potential, while also preparing them for life, both in the present and future. It also aims to equip children with the skills they need to live successfully as citizens of the communities to which they belong and enables them to celebrate diversity and treat all people with kindness and respect. PSHE education in our school also aims to encourage children to develop positive mental health and emotional wellbeing, by empowering them with the knowledge of why this is important and how it can be achieved. We want to educate the whole child through our PSHE and RSE education and believe this positively impacts the individual, the school community, the wider community and the global community – both present and future by enabling our children to build positive relationships.


At Houghton Conquest, PSHE and RSE is a taught as an explicit lesson, once a week, as well as being embedded and reinforced throughout the school curriculum. Weekly PSHE sessions are delivered through whole class, group discussions and reflections. During these sessions children are encouraged to listen, wait patiently and respect others’ opinions. As the session comes to an end, pupils have time to reflect on what they have heard and learnt and consider how this will impact on their own lives. Along with the weekly sessions, children are given opportunities to develop their personal, social, health, economic and relationship skills through themed days, values discussions, collaborative play, assemblies, educational visits and links in the community.

Our approach to PSHE is flexible, in response to the needs of our children; this includes children of all needs and abilities. Teachers will plan and teach the lessons, using appropriate differentiation, so that all children; including those with special educational needs and disabilities can access the PSHE curriculum. Planning of PSHE is fully in line with the learning outcomes and core themes outlined in the 2020 PSHE Association Programme of Study as well as the Relationship and Sex Education document; which is widely used by schools in England and is recommended and referred to by the DfE in all key documentation relating to PSHE provision in schools. The EYFS work to the standards in the PSED area of their curriculum, details of which can be found in the curriculum policy.

The three core themes for PSHE at Houghton Conquest Lower School are:

Health and Wellbeing: This topic provides children with the knowledge and understanding to make informed choices about their physical and mental health. Children will be able to discuss the differences between physical and mental health and will be taught strategies to remain in good health and wellbeing.

Relationships: Through our PSHE teaching, children will develop the skills to establish and maintain respectful, safe and caring relationships; this includes both face to face and online relationships. The children will learn about different family structures and how families provide them with love, care and stability. This topic will be taught in a sensitive manner, taking into account the needs and circumstances of all pupils.

Living in the Wider World: We believe that children should be prepared for the future, and through this topic we teach the children how to flourish in today’s society. They will learn about rules and consequences, communities, economics, growing responsibilities and media resilience.

Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, PSHE is encouraged through the “Personal, Social and Emotional Development” curriculum.

PSHE is about making connections and is strongly linked to learning through play, as Albert Einstein stated “Play is the highest form of investigation”.   PSHE is taught through activities that are part of topics, as well as on an individual basis to develop personal skills such as dressing, looking after ones needs and managing relationships and feelings.  Positive experiences are built through daily opportunities to share and enjoy a range of activities. The children are given the opportunity to engage in social activities, in small groups, as a class or during whole school activities such as assembly or Christmas performances.

Impact – Essential Skills and Attributes developed through the programme of study:

Personal Effectiveness:

Interpersonal and Social Effectiveness:

Managing Risk and Decision Making:

Click here to see the Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship; Relationships, Sex & Health Education Programme of study: EYFS, KS1 and KS2.

PSHE and RSE Programme of Study

PSHE and RSE Policy