

Great things happening in pre-school

To celebrate Energy saving week the children enjoyed learning about how important it is to recycle things in our home. To help support the children with this we created our very own Recycling Centre, the children took turns to take items from a large box and sort them into their appropriate recycling boxes.

Last week the children were looking at the Police, they have completed lots of activities based on the police force and spoke about how they help up. They have enjoyed lots of role play as they have been pretending to catch bad guys as well as lots of drawings of things that are related to the police.


Superheros in Preschool

The preschool were exploring superheroes last week; one of the books we have been looking at is Supertato. The children took part in an activity where they grouped the vegetables into big and little groups using pictures of superheroes to help them.


Poppy Appeal

We have today received the following words of thanks from the Poppy Appeal Organiser at the Flitwick and District Branch of The Royal British Legion, which will also be shared with the children in our next celebration assembly.

“2021 RBL Poppy Appeal

I would just like to say thank you very much for the amount of £ 183.25 which was raised for our appeal by the school.

Thank you to all the staff and pupils on behalf of the Poppy Appeal that made this amount possible.

The money will help those service men and women who have suffered and are still suffering due to injuries sustained in conflict in various parts of the world. Also their dependants who fall on difficult times.

Thank you once again.”



Scrummy food served today at school

Today we warmly welcomed our new caterers, HCL

As you can see the food looked and tasted scrummy. Our children said…..

“It tasted better than chocolate”
“The best school meal I’ve ever had”
“The food tasted like heaven”

If you would like to order a meal for your child, and haven’t already, remember you have up until 8.50am each morning to order for that day.


Autumn Term at Forest School

Year 4 Eagles and Year 3 Hawks have had a wonderful time working together at forest school to build fires, dens, rope swings and zip lines. They have used wood and tools to make Christmas presents, decorations, and ornaments. They have climbed trees, cooked over the fire and in the mud kitchen and learned lots of amazing things about nature. It has been a joy to see them enjoying the Autumn term in all its colourfulness. Year 3 has been progressing and embedding skills learnt from their Wild Passport curriculum.


Fantastic singing and decorated trees at the Christmas Tree Festival

A huge thank you for everyone that supported the Christmas Tree Festival at the weekend; it was lovely to see so many of our year 3 and 4 children singing at the opening.  We hope you enjoyed looking at the trees – they looked amazing.  A huge thank you to Mrs Liderth for all her help and support.


Fantastic work undertaken in school for Anti Bullying week

Hawks class theme was being ‘one kind word’. We drew around our hands and wrote down ideas on each finger on how to stop bullying from happening and how to help people who might be being bullied.

Anti-Bullying themed posters by Robins Class


Mummification in Hawks

Hawks class looked at the process of mummification yesterday and mummified an apple. We carved a face into the apple and added salt and bicarbonate soda which will dry out the apple and stop it from rotting…


Eagles Class learning about World War 2

In Eagles Class, we have been learning about food during World War 2. We have learnt that some foods were rationed. In class, we created our own carrot cookies.

We have also been learning about the Blitz and produced some artwork which we have displayed in our classroom.


Great learning in pre-school

Our pre-school children took part in some craft activities last week in honor of Remembrance Day. The children also practiced their counting skills by using poppies.