

Food and Farming Day at HCLS

What an amazing day we all had last week at our very own Food and Farming Day.  The children, in their teams, rotated around 8 different farming themed activities ranging from farmyard animals, understanding the milling process, viewing a range of farm vehicles and cooking bread at forest school.  A huge thank you to all those that made the day such a huge success.


Fantastic Sports Day – thank you for all your support

We had a fantastic Sports Day at school this week.  Congratulations to everyone for trying their very best all day and to those who were presented with one of our values certificates.

A fantastic result for the Red Team this year who won our Sports Day Trophy.

Sports trophies are awarded to some of our year 4 – congratulations to our winners this year.


KS2 Visit

Earlier this week we were delighted to welcome into our school Festus Akinbusoye, Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner.  Mr Akinbosoye joined our year 3 and and year 4 children in an informative and engaging assembly.



Jubilee Celebrations

A huge thank you to everyone who took part, organised and attended our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations this afternoon.  We look forward to seeing you again after half term.


Amazing Art Work

The Robins class have been Learning about sea creatures. They have carefully created the sea creatures using pastels or colour mixed with paint, we are sure you will love them.

Doves have been learning about a ‘wild and wonderful’ world. They have created this beautiful paper chain snakes…

Owls have been re-creating the sunflowers by Van Gogh.  I’m sure you will agree they have produced some amazing colourful work.

Hawks Class currently learning About their topic Extreme Earth. The children have drawn these amazing tornadoes.


Robins ‘spend the day in space’

Robins enjoyed their ‘Wow Space Day’.  They took a journey around our Galaxy to see the different planets, acted out as Astronauts in our space station, took a trip around the moon with our space rockets and recreated the story ‘Whatever Next’ with the story box and props.  We also made Star and Astronaut biscuits to take home and share with our family.  


Pre-school enjoying Forest School

Preschool have the wonderful opportunity this term to take part in Forest School. They have been enjoying getting muddy as they have explored the Mud Café, they have been making potions, some children have been climbing trees. The children have also enjoyed making dens; swinging on swings made from natural materials, as well as enjoying learning new skills using a range of different tools.


Fantastic Volcanoes in Hawks

We have been reading the story ‘Escape from Pompeii’ in class and are beginning to write a diary from the perspective of a Roman child. We have gathered information about Mount Vesuvius and how volcanoes work. We then created our own volcanoes and mixed ingredients together in order to make the reaction.


Hawks Roman Shields

Last week Hawks class started to create our Roman shields. They researched different designs and what each symbol meant to the Romans and created a plan.


Great start to the big walk and wheel this morning

Great to see so many children taking part this morning; to ensure everyone had the opportunity to feel part of the initiative we put cones out around the playground so all the children had to walk that bit further to get to their classroom.