

Eagles learn about WWII

In Eagles Class we have been learning about food during World War 2. We have learnt that some foods were rationed and in class we created our own Wartime Loaf.

We have also been learning about ‘Dig for Victory.’ We have learnt that during World War 2, The Ministry of Food encouraged people not to waste food and to grow their own.


Year 3 and 4 Sportshall Athletics

Twelve children represented Houghton Conquest Lower School in a Sports hall Athletics event. All the children showed the school’s core values and we are very proud of them all.


Robins have a party!

Robins had a visitor last week who came to tea… We read the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea.   We looked at the past and present, cars, milk floats, grocery deliveries by bike, kettle on the cooker etc.  We completed the end of our week with our Robin’s Birthday Party.


Remembrance Learning in Robins

Robins have been learning about Remembrance and the importance of poppies and created our own wreath. We introduced Florence Nightingale and they practised their first aid on the babies by cleaning their wounds, putting a plaster on and then bandages.


Remembrance Day in Pre-School

The children have been very busy exploring different activities as we looked at Remembrance Day and what it means to us, we spoke very lightly about the importance of this day and why we remember those who fought in the war for us.
The children have enjoyed making their own Poppy patterns using corks and paint, the children have also been practising their fine motor skills as they rolled individual balls of playdough and placed them onto a Poppy template. The children also created their own Poppies using a range of different media.

Toys through Time

The children in Doves class have been learning about old and new toys in History this term. They have created their own wooden spoon toy using different materials.


Remembrance Day Assembly

Our Year 4 students shared their Remembrance poems which they had written throughout the week and we observed a minutes’ silence during the assembly. The Year 4 children also created a wreath that was presented during the Remembrance Sunday service at All Saints Church.



Phonics in Pre-School

This week we have recently changed the way we deliver our phonics in preschool, the children have had a wonderful time exploring the letter S sound through objects, listening to stories with S sounds, finding letter S words in the book and learning how to sound the S out phonetically. Our school leavers children have been amazing at this and have really progressed showing a great understanding.


Mummified Apples!

Hawks class have mummified an apple – we have been researching instruction writing in Literacy and created a set of instructions for this experiment. The ancient Egyptians would clean the body before removing the organs and drying out the body. They used natron (a natural type of salt) to do this. We experimented with using salt and bicarbonate soda to dry out our apples before wrapping them up in tissue paper.


Fireworks Fun in Pre-School!

This week the children have enjoyed getting ready for Fireworks night, we have been getting very messy using lots of glitter and paint to make fireworks. The children have also been exploring different textures as they have made marks in flour and salt using lollipop sticks; the marks they made were different fireworks. Throughout our circle times we have been discussing with the children about the safety around fireworks and how we can keep safe when watching them.