

Winnie the Pooh Day Art Competition

Children shortlisted in an art competition being run by Mulberry Homes (who are building houses in Houghton Conquest) to celebrate Winnie the Pooh Day (today) – well done to all.


New uniform provider for School and Pre-School

Following feedback during the autumn term we have been researching and talking to alternative providers of school uniform.  We are pleased to announce that Prestige Design will be our new supplier with immediate effect (any order currently in progress with our previous supplier are unaffected by this change).  More information can be found on the uniform page of our website and the letter emailed to parents today.


Cat Protection Workshop and Assembly

On Tuesday, 8th January, we had a special assembly from the local branch of Cat Protection – a feline welfare charity.  As part of their citizenship learning, Year 4 planned, organised and promoted a harvest raffle raising £99.  They were then tasked with researching a local charity (within a 15 mile radius of the school) who they felt would be worthy recipients of the money.  With the class working together they decided to chose Cats Protection.  One child said “We chose Cat Protection because we wanted to look after the stray cats and make sure they are happy and healthy”.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and assembly.


Values Ambassadors

At our last celebration assembly before Christmas we shared with the children all the entries in our last Values Challenge and announced our new Values Ambassadors for this half term.  Congratulations to:-

KS1: Luke Worts
KS2: Laila Peck

It was a very difficult decision with a vote of all staff taking place to decide the winners.  We were so impressed with the excellent values work created by the children we are currently looking at ways of displaying it in school.

Our next challenge has been emailed to parents today (years 1 -4) – entries should be ready to present during the week of 4th – 8th February 2019.  This information was shared with all children in assembly this morning.  They all know that if they need any clarification that they can talk to their class teacher.

Good luck!


Hey Ewe!

Wow! What an amazing performance from all the children.  They tried their very best throughout the performance and what a success it was.  They all worked really hard to learn lines, songs as well as those all important stage directions!

Thanks also goes to you, parents and carers, for organising costumes for the children; they looked fantastic and really helped to bring the performance to life.


Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints Church

On Friday, 14th December some of Phoenix children helped open the Christmas Tree Festival in the church by singing a number of popular Christmas Carols.  The children sang beautifully and they were all a credit to the school. Thank you to everyone who supported this community event.  The church looked amazing with all the decorated Christmas trees and having the children sing just added to the Christmas feel.


Poppy Appeal

Thank you to everyone who made a donation to The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal – we raised an amazing £116.36.



The children were all treated to a fabulous panto this morning in the village hall.  A great time was had by all.  One child said “Good good, it was amazing”.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible.


Owls Visit to Houghton Fields

Owls class thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Houghton Fields Mulberry development to visit the new homes and the building site. All the children were invited to have a site safety talk with the Project Manager to learn about how to stay safe on a building site and spot the dangers. We were also very grateful to receive high-visibility bag tags to help all the children at Houghton Conquest stay safe and be seen in the dark nights, in line with Road Safety Week. We would like to give a huge thanks to all the volunteers who helped Owls class and the team at Mulberry Homes Development for this opportunity.


Remembrance Day Assembly

Phoenix Class produced a fantastic Remembrance Day assembly, on Friday 9th November. The children worked hard all week to organise the assembly. The class read and analysed war poems, such as “Flanders Field” and “For Fallen” by Laurence Binyon, to inspire them to write their own.

When we visited Bletchley Park we learned that pigeons were used to send secret messages in the war. Phoenix Class wrote notes of their hopes and prayers for Remembrance Day 2018. Each child attached their note to one of the homing pigeons before they were released at the end of the assembly.

A special thanks to Mr Gruzilier for bringing his pigeons into school and Mrs Liddeth for all her support and help with the Remembrance service.