

All the trees now planted…

A great time was had by all again in the final day of planting yesterday with Pre-school popping up to see what was happening.   A big thank you to everyone that made this possible.



Owls turn to plant…

Owls Class took their turn to plant trees and shrubs this afternoon.  A productive and fun afternoon for all.



Tree Planting

Our first day of tree planting.  Doves are having a great afternoon in the sun planting some tree/shrubs along the Forest School fence line.




Values Ambassadors

Following our Spring 1 Values Ambassador competition we are pleased to announce that, as of today, Tony (Phoenix) will represent Key Stage 2 as the Values Ambassador and Cameron (Doves) is now the Key Stage One Ambassador. Tony and Cameron both demonstrated excellent commitment to their New Years Resolutions. Both boys gave themselves writing challenges, with Tony writing a new poem each week and Cameron writing a whole new book each week. Both these children have demonstrated the values of commitment, perseverance and responsibility. They both truly deserve this role.

Keep an eye out for the next Ambassador Challenge which will launch before the end of next week.

Internet Safety Day 2019

It was another successful Internet Safety Day for the school with lots of learning about this year’s motto ‘Together for a better internet’. The children in Robins and KS1 enjoyed spending the morning learning about making the right choices on-line.  In KS2 they learnt about giving and asking for permission when online.


Winnie the Pooh Competition winners

Congratulations to our winner and runner up in the recent art competition.  They both received a selection of art and craft items kindly donated by  Mulberry Homes in our celebration assembly today – congratulations.  The school also received a donation of £100 which will go towards arts and crafts items for the school.


Fun was had by all in the snow at break and lunch time today


Judo Taster Session

Yesterday, each class participated in a judo taster session from a fully qualified British Judo coach. The children really enjoyed the session and completed a range of activities in order to  develop their skills.


KS1 Multi Skills Festival

What a fantastic performance by the children in Owls Class who attended the multi skills festival this week.  After completing a circuit of activities Houghton Conquest were the proud winners of the competition.  All the children who took part in the festival will be presented with a certificate in this afternoon’s celebration assembly.  Congratulations.


NSPCC Speak out. Stay safe. assembly

The NSPCC visited our school today and delivered their Speak out. Stay safe. assembly to our children – see letter emailed to parents today for more information.  All children will be taking part in a Dance-a-thon (this activity was chosen by the children) and parents will find a sponsorship form in their child’s book bag – all money raised will go towards supporting the NSPCC’s work.