

Final Snack Shack a success despite the cold weather…

Another 5 star service at the Snack Shack!!! All the children loved their amazing ice lollies! What a great way to end the term. Thank you to everyone who helped out and gave their time to support the Snack Shack!



Silly Socks at Houghton Conquest

Everyone look fabulous today raising £61.70 in aid of Autism Bedfordshire – thank you!


Great excitement in Doves class yesterday

Yesterday, Year 1 were thrilled to be visited by our local firemen! Year 1’s have been learning all about ‘Fire and Ice’ over the last term and were excited to be able to ask real firemen questions about what they do on a day to day basis.

Some of the class were even allowed to dress up in the firefighting gear and as you can see we had the opportunity to use the hose and sit in the truck – they even sounded the sirens!

A big thank you to Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue for providing us with this exciting opportunity – we loved it.


Values Ambassadors

After a fantastic week of campaigning and speeches by children who nominated themselves to be the Values Ambassador for the Summer Term it is finally time to announce the winners.
All candidates participating in the election worked very hard and proved their fantastic values ethos. All children were awarded 10 Team points for their efforts and the respect shown towards the successful candidates. We must emphasise that all children who were in school made their vote. The results were extremely close, with both winners only being one or two points ahead of the next candidate. A very tightly fought election indeed.
A huge WELL DONE to all involved!

Snack Shack… fresh fruit kebabs

Another successful day at the Snack Shack! Lots of satisfied customers feeling healthy and happy! Monday, 1st April is the last date orders can be taken for our amazing fruity ice pops. We look forward to seeing you at the Snack Shack next time.



Year 4’s have fun at Sports Festival

Today our year 4 children spent the afternoon at Marston Vale Middle School taking part in boccia and curling.   All the children had great fun and made some new friends.  Three of the children were awarded values wrist bands – well done to all.


Snack Shack…

Today’s Snack Shack was a massive success! We have had lots of happy customers and we have discussed some fantastic additions! If you want to enjoy a delicious fruit kebab please order on WisePay by 19th March. We look forward to seeing you there!!!

The Snack Shack staff



World Book Day

A big thank you for helping us make World Book Day so amazing.  All of the children thoroughly enjoyed wearing their ‘out of this world’ costumes and doing their activities in class.  We hope they enjoy reading the book they purchase with their £1 book token.



Amazing Dance-a-thon fundraising for the NSPCC

The children and staff had a great time taking part in the Dance-a-thon on the 8th February, with everyone showing their values of determination, perseverance and courage to carry on going throughout the day!

The tunes that the children and staff chose were played at the 4 different time slots through the school day. Everybody looked great in the mufti dance clothes!

The highlight of the day was the freestyle dance off section at 11.05am, where everyone got to show off their best moves whilst everyone cheered and clapped them! Amazing fun and we do have some great dancers here at Houghton Conquest!  The tunes are still being played now during ‘Fun Friday Lunchtime Disco!’

Today staff from the NSPCC joined our assembly to thank everyone that took part.  We raised an amazing £700 for the NSPCC!  The winning class with the overall highest amount of money raised was Robins with £302!



A space ship has landed…

The children came into school this morning to find that an alien space ship had, over the weekend, crash landed near the pirate ship on the school grounds.

This provided the children with a great stimulus for their Spring Big Write.  The children look forward to sharing their amazing writing with parents on Thursday, at 2.45pm.