Following the values challenge set before half term congratulations go to our two winner, Evie Busbridge and Leo Gravener-Mohle – our new Values Ambassadors. Next time you are in school keep an eye out for their amazing artwork.
Owls and Doves classes loved making sausage rolls yesterday, even if it was a bit yucky!
Well done to the Green team for earning the most team points this after term!
Phoenix Class recently embarked on their Bushcraft trip to Boughton Woods. The children learnt how to build a fire, shelter and traps; all working extremely hard throughout the two days of activities. It was a truly amazing experience and the children were a credit to the school, showing their values and manners at all times. A big thank you also to the staff and volunteers who gave up their time to accompany the trip; the support provided ensures we are able to continue to offer incredible learning experiences to the children.
Despite the rain Robins class still had fun yesterday morning practicing their football skills and speed stacking, we even had time for some bubbles.
Each class took part in a themed dance workshop today which was run by Redborne School Sport Partnership. All the children really enjoyed the sessions. Robins dance was themed around dinosaurs, Year 1 and 2 the focus was on animals, with years 3 and 4 taking part in a Street Dance workshop
Doves class enjoyed their cooking lesson yesterday; making, baking and even the washing up! We hope you enjoyed the chocolate chip and cranberry cookies.
At lunchtime today the whole school said a fond farewell to Mrs Wesley (Maz). A ‘dance flash mob’ and sing song was held on the playground followed by a presentation of flowers together with cards and gifts made by the children. We wish Maz all the very best for the future.