

Owls class make a Fabulous Fish display

Owls class have been busy in art looking at how to mix primary colours to make beautiful shades of colour. We then decorated our fish in line with the story ‘Rainbow Fish’ which we have been reading and working on in literacy. The children’s work look beautiful!



Robins enjoying their topic “All About Me”

The children have settled into Robins class with ease and are enjoying their first topic “All About Me.” They have been sharing their special boxes, talking about their families and learning more about each other. They have had great fun creating some brilliant self portraits using both colouring pencils and a computer programme this week!


Great start to our work on Ancient Egypt in Hawks Class

Year 3 (Hawks) are currently studying Ancient Egypt. We have studied Egyptian sunsets and learnt how to blend colours together effectively in order to create a backdrop. Next, we cut out a variety of Egyptian silhouettes to make the sunset effect.

Music Assembly

All the children enjoyed listening to a musical medley in our assembly today.  We were joined by Front Row Music who offer ukulele (years 1-4) and guitar (years 3-4) lessons in school.  Look out for a booking form in your child’s bag.


Good luck to our Year 4’s

Wishing you all the very best of luck for the future – you will be missed!


Fun had by all at Woburn Safari Park

Doves class recently visited Woburn Safari Park as part of our topic – Wild and Wonderful. We have been studying the rainforests and all of the creatures that live in these wonderful habitats. We were fortunate enough to take part in a safari to see some African animals and we also attended a Rainforest Workshop. Doves class thoroughly enjoyed the day and visiting all of the animals!  Thank you so much to all those who made this trip possible.


Year 4 Leavers Assembly

Our Year 4 children worked really hard over the last half term, working with Miss Granelli and Miss Dancer, to produce an amazing Leavers Assembly which they shared with school and parents.  A big thank you goes to the Friends of Houghton Conquest Lower School for funding the Annual Leavers Yearbook which was presented to each of the children.  Thanks also goes to Mrs Padian for giving up her time to come and present the Padian Award for Community Spirit which this year was awarded to Harry Exworth.



Owls visit to Swiss Gardens

Owls class went on their school trip last week. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves exploring the beautiful gardens. The class participated in many different activities, ranging from creating their own bean hotel, identifying plants around the garden, texture bingo and exploring the sculpture trial. Owls class also got to take a ride on a vintage Wellingborough bus around Shuttleworth park, with an open top roof! All of the children had such a lovely day.




Fun had by all at Sports Day

What a fantastic morning we all had for our Annual Sports Day when we eventually held it last week.  The children all enjoyed taking part in the team activities and there were some amazing performances during the mixed competitive races.  It was lovely to see the children being determined but also showing their values and sportsmanship towards each other throughout the event. Thank you to everyone that helped and the Friends for providing ice pops for all the children after the event.

Well done to everyone for taking part and congratulations to the Green Team on winning the Sports Day Cup.



Owls Class Assembly

Owls performed wonderfully on Thursday in their class assembly all about their topic ‘Into the secret garden.’ They all had a brilliant time singing the story of ‘Superworm’ and sharing their riddles with the audience.  I am incredibly proud of how fantastically confident all of the children were in Owls class.

Well done!