

Team win ‘Self Belief’ Values Award at Tag Rugby Festival

Ten children were selected from year 3 and 4 to represent the school at the tag rugby festival this week.

The children have been practising their skills and learning the rules of tag rugby in their Physical Education lessons. The children worked incredibly hard and scored a number of fantastic tries! They were also awarded a values award for ‘self belief.’

“That was one of the best trips in the school. The team tackled brilliantly and fantastically! We were one of the best teams”

Big Write Week!

This week all of the children are working hard to create a persuasive letter to convince Miss Heaslip not to sell the pirate ship!

Miss Heaslip is looking forward to reading the children’s persuasive letters at the end of the week.

This is  a writing stimulus only, we’re not really going to sell it!


Doves doing all things Autumn…

In Doves we have been exploring the autumn season. We have conducted a search of the school grounds for signs of the season and created lots of autumn crafts.


Another successful Harvest

Thank you to everyone that made our Harvest celebration yesterday such a success.  An amazing £98.60 was also raised for the church funds – thank you.




The children at Houghton Conquest Lower School enjoyed a gymnastics workshop last week. The children learnt basic movements, balances and rolls.

“The gymnastics was great! I learnt how to do a log roll and then we put it into a routine.”



Fun with numbers in Robins

We have been practising number recognition and counting in Robins class this week.


Robins X-ray hands

In Robins this week we have been learning about parts of the body. We had a go at creating our own hand X-rays using white paint and art straws.



Sports Leader training for year 4

This week, Year 4 began their Sports Leaders training. Below, is a short recount from one of the children.

“The first thing we did when we arrived, was learn about what a leader would do. After that, we learnt five different activities that we can teach to the younger children. My favourite activity was when we had to line up holding hands and pass the hoop from one side to the other! It was super fun! I can’t wait to be a Sports Leader!”


Pre-School having a great time this morning…



Egyptian Fairy Tales in Eagles Class

Eagles Class have settled fantastically well into their new class. In class, we have begun to read the Egyptian Cinderella! The children have been learning the story through hot seating, drama and story mapping before they begin writing their own Egyptian fairy tale!