Year 3 and 4 finished their tag rugby unit with a tournament. The children warmed up in their teams, organised their tactics and created a chant! Congratulations to the winning team, France.
“My team was Australia, we won one of the matches. We had lots of fun while we were playing ”
“The main value our team used was self belief”
“We did star jumps, cat leaps and we ran to different cones for our warm up”
“My team scored 4 tries in one game!”
12 children from year 3 and 4 were selected to represent the school at a recent indoor sports hall athletics competition. The children had to compete in a range of field and track events such as: long jump, high jump, chest push, javelin,sprints, relays and an obstacle race. Well done to everyone who took part.
“We had to go under tunnels and then go over the hurdles! It was great fun.”
Year 4 were lucky to have a teacher from Marston Vale Middle School come into class and teach a dance lesson last week. The children created a short dance to the song “Walk like an Egyptian.”
“It was really fun making up our dance to the song”
“I really enjoyed learning the song and hearing about middle school”
Doves and Eagles had great fun making Halloween witches and the finished products were amazing!
In Owls Class we have been working hard to create tone and texture in our drawings. We used some magnificent shells to help us. Have a look at some of our wonderful shells!
In Robins class we have been improving our fine motor skills and learning how to be safe while using tools. The children really enjoyed hammering golf tees into pumpkins.
Robins have been learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy who uses natural objects such as rocks, ice, leaves and branches to create his artwork. Robins went out collecting leaves, branches and other natural objects from around the school field before having a go at creating their own Andy Goldsworthy inspired pictures.
Year 3 and 4 took part, and enjoyed, an bible exhibition by Pilgrims Progress. The children listened to the tales of Jesus’ life and then explored information boards in order to gather knowledge.
Year 4 are really developing their cooking skills, we made pizza, the challenge was to choose 3 different colour fruit or vegetable toppings.
On Wednesday the children in Robins class were having fun speed stacking, helping to develop their fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and concentration.