

Amazing learning in Doves…

Our topic this half term is fire and we have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’. We have used our knowledge of the events of the fire to write a newspaper article.

Our current unit in PSHE is ‘Be Yourself’. As part of this unit, we have looked at our emotions and what can cause certain feelings. We made our own ‘colour monsters’ and wrote about our feelings.


The Myth of Houghton Conquest…

Hawks have been designing and describing their own mythical beasts for their myth about how Houghton Conquest was founded.  We also created a hero to defeat this evil creature. The children have been working hard to design and describe their heroes and creatures using descriptive writing.

Fantastic Art in Owls

Owls class have spent time over the past few weeks learning the new skills to draw a self portrait in their art lessons. We then spent time turning our self portraits into royal portraits, by adding some beautiful jewels and crowns to our pictures. They look fantastic!


Fun in the snow…



Robins – fantastic home learning

This week Robins have been looking at the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We planned what we would take to Grandma’s in our picnic baskets, learned about healthy and unhealthy choices, made maps to Grandma’s house with instructions to follow among lots of other literacy activities.

Some of the children have tried practical tasks like sewing and knitting like Grandma in the story.

In maths we have been learning about subtraction and the children have practised taking objects out of their baskets to create their own subtraction number sentences.
What a super week of home learning!

The Great Kapok Tree

Eagles Class have been reading ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and have begun learning about the wondrous Amazon rainforest. We have learnt about the different layers of the rainforest, rainforest animals and deforestation.


Fantastic learning last week

The children have been retelling the story of Cinderella and they completed a story map to help them write the story.  In Maths the children have been using the number line to subtract 2-digit numbers from another 2-digit number.  Miss Heaslip and Mrs Blake have been very impressed by all the children.


In our home learning we have watched a Roman video about a solider who needs to deliver  a message. We are beginning to write the ending for our story.
We have looked at expanded noun phrases and subordinate clauses within our writing. We have chosen a character and a setting to describe, using these features above.’

Celebration Assembly

Today we had the final celebration assembly of the term.  Congratulations to the following who all received a certificate

Robins: the whole class for working so hard this term
Doves: Amber and Hollie
Owls: Ben and Hanna
Hawks: Rose and Phoebe-Rose
Eagles: Grace and Deyanna

Values Award: Chloe M

Special congratulations the Blue team who gained the most team points this half term

***   Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and an enjoyable Christmas Break   ***


Pre-school Christmas Fun

Pre-school have had a fantastic time in the lead up to Christmas this year; making their own santa tops, making Christmas trees using cucumber & carrot and making gingerbread people


Enjoying Christmas lunch

All the children made fantastic hats to wear during lunchtime today.  They all then enjoyed watching their Christmas performance – we hope you do too! A huge thank you to everyone for making it possible, in particular Mrs Allen.