

Winners of our Online Safety Poster Competition

As the school community are all back together again, I would like to share with you the competition winners for our online safety posters that was run to promote Internet Safety Day on the 9th February. We are delighted to tell you the winner from KS1 is Oliver and from KS2 the winner is Luke. The winners will be able to choose a resource or game for their class to use. Well done to all of the children who participated, they will be able to see their posters on display throughout the school and also a big thank you to Mrs Liderth for judging the poster competition for us.










Fantastic work by Hawks last week

Within our History lessons, Hawks class have been studying the British rebellion against the Romans, led by Boudicca of the Iceni tribe. We have been given an eye witness account on what Boudicca may look like and have interpreted our own ideas when drawing her.



Fantastic Forest School

I have had a lovely few forest school sessions with the reception and preschool bubble over the past few weeks. We have built our own bird’s nests, built our own tree, met some earthworms, made magic potions out of real snow and food colouring. We did a spring scavenger hunt and found lots of bugs and flowers. This week will be my last session with them, we’re making willow ribbon sticks.

We are starting with year 1 and year 2 from next week so we’ll be working on our wild passport certificates.

Mrs Cookham, Forest School Leader


Pre-School… It’s all about Transport

This term the children have been looking at different types of road transport; they have been

Fantastic work!


The Myth of Houghton Conquest continued…

Year 3 have now finished writing their Myths about how Houghton Conquest was founded. We included key features, such as Gods and Goddesses, magical weapons and a mythical creature for our hero to defeat. Here is an example of the finished myth.

Skyblade and the Monster by Kian


A huge thank you

Today, Miss Heaslip, Headteacher, was delighted to welcome onto our school grounds the High Sheriff of Bedfordshire who gifted the school with 3 new Chromebooks.  These devices have been provided by Bedfordshire Learning Link and will go a long way to helping the school support its children with learning both at home and in school; a huge thank you goes to them from all of us.


Fantastic work Robins…

In Robins we dedicated one of our Maths lessons to Captain Sir Tom Moore. We each did 100 things to honour his 100 years of life and his 100 laps challenge. We broke it down into smaller chunks, each doing 10 different things 10 times, such as jumping in puddles, writing our names and naming 10 different things we could see.

Each morning in phonics we have a ‘say what you see’ picture challenge to encourage independent writing. One of the children wrote “I think the big fan will blow the virus into the giants so I can go to school.”  When thinking about this picture, what would you write?


Safer Internet Day

This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explores reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction?

As part of Safer Internet Day at Houghton Conquest Lower School, we are asking children to make a ‘Be Safe Online’ poster during one of today’s lessons.  The posters will be judged and the winner awarded a £10 Amazon voucher to spend on a resource for their class!!!!  Mrs Liderth has kindly agreed to judge the entries.   We look forward to sharing with you some of the posters very soon.


Great learning in Robins

In Robins we have been focussing on the story of the 3 little pigs. The children carried out a science experiment at home to test which materials would make a good, waterproof roof. They wrote  up their own predictions and results. Great job Robins!


Eagles continue their learning

Eagles class are continuing to read The Great Kapok Tree.  We have learnt all about the rainforest and deforestation.  Yesterday we wrote a short description about the Amazon Rainforest.