

We Will Remember Them

It was wonderful to see our whole school together today for our Remembrance Day assembly led by our year 4 children.


Fantastic work in Early Years

Our Pre-school  children have enjoyed learning about Diwali and completing lots of different craft activities.

Robins have also been learning about Diwali whereby we have joined in with some Indian Dancing, listened to the story of Rama and Sita and Bhandi Chor.  They were creative and  made Rangoli patterns, Mehndi patterns and Diva Lamps.  Looking at the Festival of Lights, Robins also used torches to colour mix a variety of materials.

A big harvest thank you

A huge thank you to everyone who made a donation to our food bank collection in aid of the Need Project, Central Bedfordshire.  Three boxes of goodies were gratefully collect by them today.


Fantastic Team Day

The children had a fun filled morning today, working in their teams taking part in harvest themed activities.  Look out for our team scarecrows on Saturday if you take part in the village scarecrow trail. The children’s arts and crafts will be on display to parents next Thursday.


Welcome to our new Robins Class

Robins have been amazing at learning the routines and rules in Robins class and the school. They are enjoying receiving Team Points, Golden Tickets and stickers.

We have been getting to know each other through our topic “All About Me”.  Lots of circle time discussions about our likes and dislikes, emotions, experiences, responsibilities at school, sharing and taking turns.  We also discussed what makes a good friend and how they can help you.

We have observed and discussed similarities and differences in our appearances, painted portraits, produced  x-ray art work and looked at the human body.  They have shown good listening skills, excitement and pride in sharing their favourite items in their special boxes.

We have started to learn new sounds in Phonics, practised our names, sang along to number and phonics songs and even began our first homework piece from our Learning Logs about “My Family”.

We have had a very busy time and the Robins’ Team are very proud of how the children have settled in and are making wonderful friendships.  Well done!


Values Day

What a fantastic day we have all had.  The costumes were fantastic and the children have had great fun taking part in the class challenges/tasks throughout the day.

Congratulations to the following children who received one of our special values certificates.

Robins: Benji and Maddy; Doves: Olivia and Chloe P; Owls: Isla and Archie; Hawks: Darcy and Kyran and Eagles: Grace and Niamh


Amazing Bushcraft Adventure

Our year 4 children finally managed to get away on their Bushcraft Adventure.  Camping in the great outdoor they had a fantastic time and the weather was even kind to them.




Football freestyle

Today we welcomed Ash Randall into school to share with our KS1 and KS2 children his freestyle football skills.  Ash is one of the UK’s top professional football freestylers and a 22x World Record breaker.  The children had a fantastic time learning new skills then facing individual and group challenges.


Knights and Dragons taking over Pre-School

The children have enjoyed their topic so far this term which is fantasy and fiction. The children have been looking at knights and dragons, they each took part in making their own shields, armour, swords and a dragon! They all showed amazing skills of managing risks when using scissors and they all had great imagination when using their equipment for role play.


Sports Day

We had a fantastic Sports Day at school today.  Congratulations to everyone for trying their very best all day and to those who were presented with one of our values certificates.

A fantastic result for the Yellow Team this year who won our Sports Day Trophy.

Each year two year 4 children are awarded our sports trophies – congratulations to our winners this year.